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Contact phone number: 519 378 9899


Electric Eclectics is located at the farm of Laura Kikauka & Gordon Monahan
202 Scotch Mountain Road
Meaford, ON
N4L 1W6
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Click here to view a PDF map of Meaford
…and here to view a PDF map showing directions from further afield.

Parking is available on site.


Bring your tent and sleeping bag, drinking water (this is a farm on a very shallow well, and so there is NO running water for the public; alternately, you can purchase drinking water from our merch tent), all-temperature clothing, sun/rain umbrella, sunscreen, bug repellent, flashlight, towel and bathing suit for swimming at Meaford Beach.

Also, please remember that this is the great outdoors, so if you have allergies, bring your antihistamines and epi-pens!

Oh, and as for food vendors, parking, designated camping areas, toilets, and 2 days and nights of mind-blowing performances: you don’t need to bring that stuff. We’ve pretty much got it covered. Unfortunately, due to safety concerns, we can’t allow campfires or cooking fires. Particularly with so many tents on site in a grassy and somewhat dry field, we need to avoid fires. We appreciate your understanding, and encourage you to bring food that you do not need to cook, or to visit our very reasonably-priced food concession, provided by local caterer!

Outdoor Shower! We have built a tank-fed, coin-operated shower for your convenience at the farm. It takes $1 coins. While most of our audience will be getting clean by heading to the beach, those who are not so inclined may choose to make use of our outdoor shower!

If you don’t feel like roughing it, here is a list of local accommodations!


Food concessions are available onsite and will offer a range of options all day, including breakfast and coffee. Additionally, the nearby town of Meaford contains many restaurants, diners, fast food options, and a grocery store!


Electric Eclectics respects the rights of each member of our diverse audience, and is committed to to providing an environment in which everyone can feel safe. Any behaviour which could reasonably be perceived as emotionally or physically harmful to individuals at Electric Eclectics will result in removal of the offending party from the festival site at the discretion of Electric Eclectics staff, as well as a potential ban on future attendance at Electric Eclectics.

That means:
No racism
No sexism
No homophobia
No transphobia
No body shaming
No ableism
No violence (including sexual and emotional violence)

Yes respect
Yes you

Be respectful of those around you, so that everyone can enjoy their time at Electric Eclectics.